Software update issues | CO-DRIVER NO1

  • Updated

When a new firmware update is available for the OOONO CO-DRIVER NO1, you will be presented with an option to perform the update in the OOONO app.

Before proceeding, make sure that you have followed our guide on how to update the software of the CO-DRIVER NO1:
- Updating the software | CO-DRIVER NO1

Once the Update Now button is pushed, the app will check the battery status of your CO-DRIVER. If the detected battery level is too low, the update will not start and instead present an error message. This happens to ensure that the firmware update does not fail due to low battery.

It may take a few seconds to read the battery level before the update can be initiated.
In case of low external temperatures, the battery level may not be properly detected due to the cold. However, once the car warms up, the firmware update should be able to be carried out smoothly. In the meantime, you can continue using your OOONO device without the latest firmware update.

If you are still unable to perform the update after trying the above, your battery level might be too low, and you will need to replace your battery.

If everything else fails, we suggest that you visit our Technical troubleshooting article, where you will find various tips to try before attempting another update of the CO-DRIVER NO1.
- Technical troubleshooting | CO-DRIVER NO1

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